

Another one of Arianna

Another one of Arianna

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HS Senior JD

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Every parent wants their child's portrait session to go just so, with tons of smiles, giggles and hopes for full cooperation. Fact of the matter is VERY few go that way and for most children the process can be very overwhelming and even scary sometimes, but through it all I have not ended a portrait session without a few smiles and the comfort of knowing I definitely have some winners to choose from.

We got many smiles out of little Ms. Arianna, but as soon as I snapped this shot I knew it was going to be THE ONE! I will share more from this session later...

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Alyssa cont...


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Alyssa, beautiful inside and out!!

I'm so lucky to be able to what I love. I had the pleasure of photographing one of the most beautiful girls I know! She got the star treatment choosing my top session. We started out in the studio, then coffee at Caribou and off to our chosen outdoor location. A 4 hour session, so needless to say I have many portraits to get into her proofbook. Here are a few. I will share more later today!

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I have been wanting to do something like this with a basketball player and I finally got one!

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I had the pleasure of doing Samantha's Seniors portraits. She is a dancer and singer, so we captured both of these talents. I will be putting together some unique composites for her soon so stay tuned. In the meantime here are a few others from the session.....

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Sweet Shelby

Sweet Shelby is a happy little girl with lots of energy. I had a great time taking her portraits. She was so funny, she wanted to have my 10 year old boxer Bella in the shoot with her. I told her that her mom probably wouldn't be interested in pictures of other peoples dog.....

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Erica and Andre

Maternity portraits. I could have worked with these two all day...great models!
They now have a beautiful baby boy!

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Crazy Senior summer!

Oh, the crazy Senior summer! I'm having a great time with the class of 2010 and am still booking up quickly. Space is limited so don't waste another minute. I would hate anyone to miss out on the fun. Hope your all having a great summer!

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Textured portrait Art

Here are a few more textured portraits.....

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Playing with textures

I have been working on adding different textures to portraits. This will be something new I will offer the Class of 2010! Don't miss out on this fun and unique addition to your Senior portrait experience. Schedule your appointment today! Space is limited.
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Little Dancers pics now available

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A lot has been going on since my last/first blog post. School play and volunteering, my other two jobs, trying to get ready to squeeze into my swimsuit this summer, and unfortunately a couple funerals. But, on a lighter note I'm working on a project for Little Dancers dance studio and have some upcoming classes that I'm exited about. I will have more to share soon......

Here are some of cutie pie Samantha....


Damselfly Photography

Welcome to Damselflies new Blog! The new studio is ready for action and we can't wait to get our creative juices flowing. My family and I final had our family portrait taken by someone other then me.

Thing are always slow for a bit after the holiday's, so goal #1 is to get the Damselfly Photography website working just how I would like. This is the 4th website and it's still not where I wish it to be. Artists are never completely satisfied with our work are we?!?! Putting together a website is really hard for me I will admit! Well here are of few of my recent favorites.........

This is little Miss Alayna.....What a little sweetie....

Precious Little Kennedy.........

The Seitz family........